Welcome to Mastermind Foundation, Viruksham

At Mastermind Foundation Viruksham, we are dedicated to fostering a greener and more sustainable future for both rural and urban communities. Through our extensive tree plantation programs, we have successfully planted lakhs of trees across various regions, making a significant impact on the environment and the lives of the people we serve.

Our Commitment to the Environment

Our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability is at the core of our organization. The organization believes that trees are essential for life on Earth, and they play a vital role in regulating the climate, providing clean air and water, and supporting biodiversity. Through our tree planting initiatives, we aim to create a healthier and happier world for all.

Tree Plantation Programs

Rural Tree Plantation: We actively engage in rural tree plantation programs, partnering with local communities to plant trees that are native to the region. These efforts not only contribute to environmental conservation but also provide livelihood opportunities for local residents.

Urban Tree Plantation: In urban areas, we focus on creating green spaces and urban forests to combat pollution and enhance the quality of life for city dwellers. Our urban tree planting initiatives beautify neighborhoods and provide a breath of fresh air in bustling cities.

Supporting Farmers through Coconut Tree Plantation

We understand the significance of agriculture in rural India and the livelihood it provides to millions of farmers. To support the agricultural community, we have initiated a special program aimed at planting coconut trees. These trees not only benefit farmers by providing a sustainable source of income but also contribute to the overall economic development of the region.

Honoring Excellence

We are proud to share that our efforts have received recognition and appreciation from esteemed individuals and authorities. The Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, Thiru RN Ravi, extended his appreciation for our relentless dedication to environmental conservation and rural development.

Get Involved

At Mastermind Foundation Viruksham NGO, we believe that everyone can play a role in building a greener and more sustainable future. Join us in our mission to plant trees, support farmers, and make a positive impact on the environment and communities across India.

CSR Programs and Partnerships

Mastermind Foundation Viruksham NGO collaborates with corporate organizations to execute impactful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. These partnerships enable us to plant trees on a large scale, thereby promoting corporate sustainability and contributing to a greener planet.

Carbon Offset Programs for Corporate and Company:

Viruksham, a leading NGO in India, offers a variety of carbon offset programs for corporate through its Urban Plantation Program and Rural Livelihood Farmers Support Program. These programs are designed to help companies reduce their carbon footprint while also supporting local communities and the environment.

Benefits of Carbon Offset Programs for Corporate

There are many benefits for corporate to participate in carbon offset programs. These programs can help companies:

  • Reduce their carbon footprint and meet their environmental goals
  • Improve their reputation and brand image as a socially responsible company
  • Engage their employees and customers in environmental initiatives
  • Support local communities and the environment

How to Get Involved

Corporate can get involved in Viruksham’s carbon offset programs by sponsoring the planting of trees in urban or rural areas. The number of trees sponsored will depend on the company’s carbon footprint and budget.

Encouraging Corporate CSR Programs for Environmental Protection

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs are a great way for companies to give back to the community and the environment. Companies can use their CSR programs to support a variety of environmental initiatives, such as tree planting, renewable energy, and waste reduction.

Our Sucess Count

Tree Plantation, Urban.
Tree Plantation Rural.
Village adapted in a Year
Successful CSR Project
Success Rate

Urban Tree Plantation

Rural Tree Plantation


Change a life today

Join hands with Mastermind Foundation Viruksham NGO and be a part of the green revolution!

For more info please Visit Viruksham