We Believe in change

Mastermind Foundation (MMF) was the first organizations to work on mental health of the larger public from 2005 in India.

We have helped critical populations like prison Inmates across India, Police Force across India, Defence & Paramilitary forces and local communities to tackle mental health issues. We have touched more than +2 Lakhs people with our mental health.

During 2015 chennai floods, Mastermind Foundation found it’s calling towards disaster rescue & relief operations. During the 2015 chennai floods Mastermind Foundation set up a headquarters to channel efforts in rescue & relief operations.

Aprox. +2Cr worth of direct material donations were distributed to the affected population across Chennai. Subsequently post chennai floods of 2015, Mastermind Foundation has extensively worked during 6+ natural disaster in Tamilnadu & Kerala.

Post Cyclone Varadha in 2016, Mastermind Foundation (MMF) took step towards environmental protection and Started Project Viruksham. To know more about project viruksham, please click here.

PAN India 24*7 Free tele counselling service in 13 regional languages was launched by MMF during the wake of COVID-19. Thousands of people took help from the program along with multiple communities & organizations.

Mastermind Foundation as on date is working towards the following missions:

  • Sustainable Growth

  • Environmental Protection

  • Mental Health for All

  • Rescue & Relief During Natural Disaster

Mastermind Foundation is a ever expanding organization with more than +1000 volunteers across India.

Mastermind Foundation believes that anything can be achieved if we work together. Hence the moto of Mastermind Foundation ” Together we can”.

“No one has ever become poor by giving”
- Anne Frank


Sustainable growth preserves resources, promotes equity, and ensures a healthier future for both current and future generations.


Mental health is crucial for overall well-being & enabling individuals to cope with challenges, foster relationships, and lead fulfilling lives.


Rescue and relief efforts are vital in saving lives, providing immediate assistance, and restoring hope in times of crisis and disaster.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection is essential to safeguarding the planet’s ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and ensuring a sustainable future for all living beings.


Change a life today

Even the smallest push toward goodness can create a huge butterfly effect.

Contribute by volunteering with us for a better cause. you can also show your support by Donating. No amount is a small amount.